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Santana Ferris PHD.

Vivify Solutions believes in helping people through every avenue. Our CEO Santana Jeffs-Ferris is the author of the Santi Series. She wrote this series to help others push through and turn their life into something they can be proud of. She hopes that this series will be her beckon to finding new ways to connect and help people all over the world. 

The "Loving Santi" series is based on a true story of one woman trying to find her place in life through various obstacles that shape the chapters in a person's story. She continues to find herself in a world where she doesn't belong while becoming a mother before she's ready. You will continue to see her rise up at every hurdle and turn her destiny of poverty and heartache into a world of leadership, knowledge, friendship, humility, chance, goals, dreams, and love. Through each trial and outcome she learns to not only love herself and the life she was given, but ultimately find her happily ever after where she will no longer need to travel alone. She had to learn to love herself before she could be loved by others.  

Author's Bio 

Santana Jeffs-Ferris is the author and main character of the "Loving Santi" Series. She graduated with her DHA (Doctorate in Health Administration) from University of Phoenix in 2017. She later went on to teach for a state college in Florida while developing her career in health care. She is now the owner of Vivify Solutions (Business Development) and lives her life to find new ways to help others grow their dreams. Her goal in life is to show people that they have the right to choose how their life turns out and given the tools can make anything possible.

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Eyes of a Little Girl

"Eyes of a Little Girl" is the first book in the "Loving Santi" Series. In this book you will experience the gift of reflection as she is able to tell her story starting at the age of 4 years old and reflect on the impact each moment had in shaping the woman she became.

Sold exclusively on Amazon, click "Read More" to be directed to Amazon for purchasing. 

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Young Wife & Mother

"Young Mother & Wife" is the second book in the "Loving Santi" Series. In this book you will experience a young woman trying to navigate the struggles of adulthood before her time. You will get an in depth reflection of how she overcame the unknown while trying to uphold her duties as a loving mother and wife. Learning to be enough will prove to be her greatest struggle.
 Book release date soon to be announced!

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